Thursday, July 8, 2010

6 Annoying things about Canada

1. Probably the only continent that doesn't use the far superior metric system. Oh and measurements vary too (US vs Canadian gallon) and they sometimes decide to use metric just for kicks. There are also 2 differnt kinds of pints. Make up your fucking mind Canada, either use metric or don't.
2. Many people here don't 'get' dry/sarcastic humor or irony.
3. They have their own 'special' paper system (I think the people who came up with it were a bit special). Hey let's ignore the beautiful ISO 216 based on the fibonnaci sequence the rest of the world uses and implement parochial archaic measurement systems.
4. The hidden cost of everything, no wonder people hate advertisers. Coffee is 1.60 + gst + pst + tip = 2.10 = Fucking bullshit.
5. Tipping, it's bullshit plain and simple. Tipping means more attractive employees (particularly attractive females) will get earn more money, additionally it also means employers can weasel out of paying people a proper wage and results in passive aggressive behaviour when you don't tip (or don't tip much). Personally I think it's kind of retarded to let customers evaluate wait staff on their service and pay them accordingly.
6. High cost of living, comically low wages. Minimum wage in Vancouver (one of the most expensive cities in the world) is 8.00 an hour. How the fuck does the government and more importantly the people allow this to be so?