Thursday, August 19, 2010

5 Things I learned from Commando (1985)

1. If you are Arnie bullets bounce off/miraculously miss you
2. Jumping shirtless through glass windows or smashing them with bare fists never results in any cuts or gashes
3. All bad guys have handlebar moustaches and have terrible aim
4. Machine guns have infinite bullets, handguns run out of ammo just in time for fistycuffs
5.The most effective way not to be seen is to run around with no shirt on wearing body paint firing a machine gun wildly

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Things I've done so far

1. Worked on an organic vineyard
2. Went to a Canadian rodeo
3. Stayed in a log cabin near a lake, saw mounted animals
4. Drove a tractor, lawn mower, and ATV
5. Saw Banff, Jasper, Lake Louise, Kelowna
6. Saw a bear in the wild
7. Went to a bar where you throw the peanut shells on the ground
8. Hitch hiked to San Francisco
more to come later

Currently woofing on a vineyard

Interesting and good experience, but I need to figure out what I'm doing next :)