Sunday, February 13, 2011

It's a marathon, not a sprint.

I've come to realise this is a definite low point of the trip. I'm not really being social, kind of down and tempted to go home. I think this is the inherent problem with long term solo travel, you eventually get to the point where you get a bit worn down doing the same thing in a new place all the time, namely:
- Arrive in new town
- Find hostel
- Make new friends, tell/exchange life story
At this point I found that I've done it so many times I'm just don't feel like it anymore. I really enjoyed staying at Yo Mamas Casa as there were people you could get to know for longer than a few days who weren't just on holiday from their day jobs back home, other travellers with similar goals and experiences.
There is also definitely is a difference between the long term travellers and the holidayers, namely the holidayers are full of energy and enthusiasm and the long term travellers tend to go a bit slower - for this kind of lengthy travel it's a marathon, not a sprint).
My Goal was to make it to Brazil but I found I got so bogged down in Mexico, and Guatemala that everything has taken much longer than it should have, I probably should be in South America by now.
Reassessing things I have compromised with myself that I have to keep pushing myself to keep going til Macchu Picchu in Peru, then if at that point I have well and truly had it and need to go home I will.

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